Thursday, May 16, 2019

Kundalini and 7 chakras

The chakra system is the part of subtle body.
The chakras are inner power phenomena and centers of psychic energy.
There are seven chakras in the human system.
In addition to the general power called kundalini - each of these chakras contains specific powers - called "Shaktis".
The chakras are figuratively referred to as lotuses & the term chakra literally means a "wheel" or a "circle".
A chakra is called a lotus because it is composed of a constantly whirling stream of energy that radiates outwards in petal-like emanation.
Each chakra has a certain number of petals (from lower to higher chakras these petals numbering) four, six, ten, twelve, sixteen, two & finally thousand.
The number of petals indicates the rate of psychic vibrations of that particular chakra.
Each petal of the chakra represents a syllable, a sound vibration.
These syllables on the petals of the chakra lotuses should not be regarded as mere parts of alphabet.
They indicate the sound vibrations of the syllables and the varying degrees of energies working in the various centers.
The syllable represents or condenses one or several mystic sounds, the vibration of which corresponds with the chakra.
The sum of these sounds is the mantra of the chakra.
In the center of each chakra a letter represents the root, "bija" of the mantra.
The forces generated by the center of each chakra have a fundamental note and harmonics (if this is disturbed - the person will become sick).
Similarly, each chakra has a color, a set of light rays or wave-lengths, representing a subtle energy peculiar to itself.
Apart from the sounds & colors, each chakra has a shape, represents an element called deva and its principle, has a God and Goddess representing spiritual forces manifest and latent in the chakra, and represents a loka (subtle worlds) and an animal.
The Gods & Goddesses represented by the chakras are not of the religious pantheon, but just names given for the particular forms of consciousness manifested and exhibited in each chakra.
The chakras, as lotuses, are upside down except when the kundalini passes over them, they are right side up.
Chakras, in general, indicate the levels of spiritual consciousness attained by the sadhaka, or aspirant. That is, each chakra is identified with certain level of meditative achievement.
The seven chakras are, then, the threshholds or "spiritual gates" in the human body - leading one to the attainment of the Absolute Reality.
The seven chakras are:
1. Muladhara - The basic / root center (enemy is "kama" or Lust).
2. Svadhishthana - The support of the life-breath center (enemy is "krodha" or Anger).
3. Manipura - The center embedded with gems (enemy is "lobha" or Greed).
4. Anahata - The unstruck sound center (enemy is "moha" or illusion).
5. Vishuddha - The great purity center (enemy is "mada" or pride).
6. Ajna - The command center (enemy is "matsara" or envy / jealousy).
7. Sahasrara - The thousand petaled lotus center (enemy is "ahamkara" or false ego of physical identity).

A chakra is a special mode of Yoga-sadhana in which only highly spiritually advanced persons can take part. (A yogi must win the "enemies" of the chakras to purify them - for the progress of the kundalini shakti towards the higher-most thousand petaled lotus - Sahasrara).

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